“…a fine guitarist, well equipped both in terms of technical facility and musical awareness.”
John Mills, Professor of Guitar, RWCMD

RUTH LENZ | Ruth Lenz (nee Ebdon) has been described as, “…a fine guitarist, well equipped both in terms of technical facility and musical awareness.” She began learning the guitar at a young age. During her early studies, Ruth won several first prizes in eisteddfods and competitions, and appeared on National Television as a solo artist.
Ruth started her studies at the University of Western Australia with influential teacher Dr John Casey. During and after her studies, she played in numerous concerts and built up a fine reputation as both a soloist and chamber musician.
To further her postgraduate studies, Ruth received a Churchill Fellowship to study in London under the guidance of guitarist Richard Wright. Three years later she was invited to return to the United Kingdom and travelled to Wales. There, she collaborated with other musicians and undertook further study with renowned British concert guitarist John Mills at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. During her studies, Ruth participated in various summer schools and master classes.
Ruth maintains a busy performance and tuition schedule and is much in demand as an adjudicator. She has also worked as an examiner for the Australian Music Examinations Board, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (DoE, WA) and the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (Edith Cowan University).
“…marvellous musicality and technique.”
Classical Guitar Society of WA
”…a fine guitarist, well equipped both in terms of technical facility and musical awareness.”
John Mills, Professor of Guitar, RWCMD
RUTH LENZ | Biography & Press Photos
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